viernes, 29 de agosto de 2014

CONDITIONALS (Condicionales)



Los "conditionales" son ciertas estructuras del inglés en las cuales, si cierta condición, situación o circunstancia es verdadera, entonces sucede un resultado específico. Aquí veremos varios tipos usuales de "condicionales"
Zero Conditional - (Type Zero) - Situación siempre verdaderaIf you freeze water, it turns into ice.First Conditional - (Type I) - Situación real o posibleIf it rains today, I'll stay at home.Second Conditional - (Type II) - Situación hipotéticaIf I won the lottery, I would travel around the world.Third Conditional - (Type III) - Situación hipotética del pasadoIf I had won the lottery, I would have traveled around the world.

Conditional: wish + past simple- Deseo sobre una situación irrealI wish I were rich (but I am not)Conditional: wish + past perfect - Deseo sobre el pasadoI wish I had learned English when I was younger (but I didn't)Conditional: wish + would - Expresando desagrado o irritaciónI wish you would stop making that noise

Palabras para expresar condiciones: unless, provided, …You won't pass the exam unless you study harder.
Si estudias, aprobarás el examenIf you study, you will pass the exam
Si entrenas, correrás más rápidoIf you train, you will run faster
Si yo fuera rico, me compraría un barcoIf I was rich, I would buy a ship
If I was rich, I’d buy a ship
Si ellos estuvieran aquí, iríamos a la fiestaIf they were here, we would go to the party
If they were here, we’d go to the party
Si yo hubiera ido a la playa, habría visto a mis amigosIf I had gone to the beach, I would have seen my friends
If I had gone to the beach, I’d have seen my friends
Si no hubiera abierto la puerta, el gato no habría entrado dentro.If it had not opened the door, the cat would not have entered inside
If it had not opened the door, the cat wouldn’t have entered inside

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